Sunday, March 20, 2011

whoda thunk it?

As posted before, March has been a pretty big downer....well shit! As i write that its happened again. I was having a ton of trouble with my HEM and so i did a whole bunch of garbage and started over just using march's hh's and thought i had resolved the problem and now.....its messing up again. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it a couple times and still....bah....annnnnnnnnnnd it worked again, so i guess we will see. Either way here is the March graph

:puke: wtf most of the downswing was at 25nl too so that makes it doubley bad. Buttttt it looks like i have righted the ship. I am like 8 buy ins below ev for the month so that doesnt help, and im getting coolered to death with kings into aces a few times, top two into bottom set a few times, and a few suckouts....but i dont think i was playing optimally either. Still have stacked some bonus money and rakeback and im up about 400 on the month which i cant really bring myself to complain about, but is def below my monthly goal.

So yeah in other who thunk it news, i learned that charmane star hasnt had any plastic surgery.....

.....weird huh?


The Sht

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Twice in a day?

What can i say? Failing motivates more than succeeding does and lately all ive done at the tables is fail. I obviously put in another session and once again another 2 buy ins gone as i just got totally shit on. So i thought ok i can either take a break and come back refreshed and ready to go OR i can continue to embrace the degenerate i am and just switch games.

If you remember at the start of this stake i was playing stt's and ran hot while getting some coaching but very obviously had leaks but variance smiled on me and i had a sick roi in the 6.50's. Then i went on a bit of a downswing and took a break to play cash until i could talk with my coach.....

Except i hit the ground running in cash and just destroyed the cash games. Ive been playing and beating the games pretty good since then but now im on maybe a 10buy in downswing and am ready to switch back to some stt's. I talked to the my staker/sng coach and will be reviewing what i was doing wrong and giving stt's another run.

Im not saying that I'm done with cash or that im playing bad or anything, i just think it was a bit of a downswing and a new game and challenge will be good for me. So yeah it looks like ill take tomorrow off, talk about stt's with  barone and go crush those for awhile.


Burrrr its getting cold in here

As I'm finishing up my first winter in Wisconsin and things are starting to warm up outside, i see my poker graph becoming ice cold. Coolers, run bad, u name it March has not been kind. Due to some run good (or not run bad) the one day i played 50nl i am up money on the month, but am down bb' i guess thank god for good timing and bonuses. 

First 9k hands, not too shabby....last 7k, i want to die. I mean ffs this 25nl!!!! I should be absolutely crushing this. My BB/100 has been cut in half during this downswing and thats depressing, but i still am over 2BB/100.....and really for once i actually have it all in perspective and am not too tilty/mad at myself/life but i felt like i hadnt written a blog for awhile so yeah.

Since the stake begun the graph has been pretty sexy really and this downswing only looks so bad and affects my winrate so much because of my lack of volume

Played some mtts for the first time this stake.....that was more death as i busted with AA vs AK all in pre in one, and JJ vs A9 all in pre in another.

Ok ok /rant and ill probably even put in another session today

ive hidden my password and screenname in this if it goes like it has been at the tables then whoever deciphers it first gets a free bankroll.....


Monday, March 7, 2011


So after a little 4 buy in downswing at 50nl, i talked it over with my backer and we both said ok lets pull the profits off the table and start over. I got to pay off a debt i wanted to take care of he got to basically freeroll this stake as we each got about $850.

I've mostly moved back down to 25nl but took a little shot at 50nl that worked out. Since the reset ive put in about 10k hands (in 2 weeks so im really sucking with volume) but the stake is back up about 350 or 400, i cant remember where i ended today.

Per the norm im debating with myself what the best course of action is. I dont mind playing staked like i thought i would. I mean overall the stake has gone pretty smooth with very few setbacks. But i would like to get out playing on my own again. Its great that when i do it will be a total freeroll for me as i started off with 0 deposited of my own money. It is important to me that i dont go broke because i want the rest of my poker days to be a freeroll and to never redeposit again. To do this i will need to do 2 main things; 1) be a bankroll nit. I dont think i need to nit it up to the point i did when i was playing exclusively for my income but close. Id say maintaining 20+ buy ins for my level and not moving up until i have 40 for the next level is pretty conservative. 2) not be scared to move back down if my shots at higher levels dont go well.

So with that said im not sure what i want my breaking off the stake goal to be. Ive thought about 500 being the point. Thats 20 buy ins and buy that point ill have won at 25nl enough to know the risk associated with it. I think i can beat 25nl at a rate that makes the standard deviation well within the 20 buy in bankroll. But i know i wont move down to 10nl so id really prefer a 1k roll. Most likely if things go par for the course i will detach at the end of april and whatever i have over 500 will be good enough. If im still below 500, then obviously ill continue the stake if thats cool with the backer obviously.

All said 25nl is really a pretty easy level to beat and while im playing im thinking things like "meh id be cool beating this for 5-7k/year" but obviously once im on my own and stacking money ill be wanting to move up i mean afterall ive done pretty well at 50nl too. So then i think the same thing about 50nl "hey a little more variance but i can beat it at a good rate and just stick to 50nl which should be good for 7 - 10k / year." Except i know better. We are all gamblers, we all want to push our edge to the limit and i will too, after 50 ill have the same thought process for 100nl and after that wont stop until i dont have an edge in the games.

For now though thats all pretty far off and i have to stay focused on getting to another 1k+ in profit. And who knows maybe ill just up the stake.

You know what i was going to write about mtt's for a minute but f it, i just lost all motivation so you dont even get a thread saving asian pic

