Thursday, November 18, 2010

swings and swongs

More of the same old song. I am not playing as much volume so the downswings are sticking with me longer. So far ive played like 200ish games and am breakeven over that span. Boo hoo sample size and plugging leaks.

Its funny that in the same breath i can be so prideful and yet so doubtful of my poker ability. Barone, the leading back in this stake, and THE BEST 9man sng player at the 27s and below, asked me to post some hh's. My first reaction was "WTF! Doubt me? I have and will crushed" but then within 5 seconds i thought "well ok, my weakest aspect of my poker knowledge is ICM. That just happens to be Barone's strongest, so he obv can help me. And i do have and always have had a bit more of a mtt approach to my shove/call ranges, so he can obv help with can a few others on my poker forum" And i went and posted some of the spots that ive been dismissing as standard.

I feel pretty good at being break even considering i havent ran good/great yet but i probably should be up a little bit if i was playing more optimal. So once again im swallowing my pride and trying to have an open mind in search of a higher roi and some profits.

Im firing up a session right now but wanted to update this real quick.

Heres to closing the month on a good heater


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