Wednesday, November 24, 2010
So ive changed my mind....again. I was up a bit on the stake and i came to a harsh realization. A realization that has been the tone of this blog for some time now. I am not in love with poker anymore. More specifically i am not in love with the grind of poker anymore. For the last 3ish years i have loved the grind. Dont get me wrong, i have hated the grind! ........
Ok ok let me explain. I love the belonging of poker. For as big as it is, the poker community is pretty tight knit. I have always said that i would trust a random poker player more than i would trust a random person. I post on a private forum and enjoy the camaraderie. While it is poker that united us on that forum, it is friendship that holds it together. There are groups or cliques on the forum obviously. When i was starting out i was in the "young full of fire" group. We yearned for poker related knowledge and discussion and made fun of those who posted more socially than about strategy. A few of us ventured off and pursued poker full time, and that formed a group within a group. We didnt take the posting as serious, enjoyed both the strat and social aspect of the forum. The bond included "complaining" about the swings. "OMG bro, you have no idea how bad i am running" etc etc. Now at this crossroads i had attempted to hold my (and lets not kid myself here) position with the serious grinders clique. I tried to hang on and "fit in", but my life has changed. I now am focused on different things.
As ive said many times before, i did not make it big in poker. For whatever reason, lack of luck or skill, it did not work out the way i envisioned 3 years ago. And now at this new stage in my life, i have very little time to continue to pursue that "dream" of mine. It was a tough realization to come to, but that serious chase for money via poker is over for me. Sure i will always play. And after a brief hiatus from the forum, i may even post and hang out with those guys irl again. But for now i just cant dedicate that much time to them/poker when i have all this new stuff i need to get situated in my own life.....This blog is not over though. I really really enjoy writing these things. Even if nobody reads them, i enjoy getting my thoughts down and rereading them sometimes. Hell, i may start a new blog titled "ahhhhhsht i haz baby" who knows.
I have no real plan, or goals for poker for the first time in a long long time. The rough outline of my plan for poker is to get 500 or so online proly on ultimate bet and play some mtts on my days/nights off that will be few and far between. This is what i did when i first started out on bodog, and this was when i was the most happy with poker. The extra money helped out, i love the competition of mtts, UB is a smaller site with smaller fields, and they have a leaderboard i might get to make a run at once in awhile. I was going to put money back on bodog but boy has that site went to shit. No breaks, shittier mtt schedule, and they got rid of their leaderboard.....absolutely ridiculous.
Anyway, ill keep you guys posted, and keep this blog alive, whether it be an update when i put in a live session or ship an mtt or whatever. But for awhile, this will be a ghost town
Gl to yall
Thursday, November 18, 2010
swings and swongs
More of the same old song. I am not playing as much volume so the downswings are sticking with me longer. So far ive played like 200ish games and am breakeven over that span. Boo hoo sample size and plugging leaks.
Its funny that in the same breath i can be so prideful and yet so doubtful of my poker ability. Barone, the leading back in this stake, and THE BEST 9man sng player at the 27s and below, asked me to post some hh's. My first reaction was "WTF! Doubt me? I have and will crushed" but then within 5 seconds i thought "well ok, my weakest aspect of my poker knowledge is ICM. That just happens to be Barone's strongest, so he obv can help me. And i do have and always have had a bit more of a mtt approach to my shove/call ranges, so he can obv help with can a few others on my poker forum" And i went and posted some of the spots that ive been dismissing as standard.
I feel pretty good at being break even considering i havent ran good/great yet but i probably should be up a little bit if i was playing more optimal. So once again im swallowing my pride and trying to have an open mind in search of a higher roi and some profits.
Im firing up a session right now but wanted to update this real quick.
Heres to closing the month on a good heater
Saturday, November 13, 2010
working out the kinks
Well the stake is off and running. I did not play as many games as i hoped for a couple of reasons. One would be i started out 12 tabling like i used to and just had a few spots that i was messing up in and wanted to cutback to 9 tables. Another would be i just didnt get unlazy and start putting in the time. So those two combined = i didnt get as much volume in and therefore didnt make as much money.
The week is finishing strong though. I was at exactly even after like 140 games or so, after being down 30ish buy ins at one point. Then yesterday i made 10 buy ins or so bringing my roi up to around 5% for the stake. I was at 8% over a decent sample when i was playing these and aim to get around 10-12% starting in 2011. I unlocked a stellar rewards bonus for another 8 buy ins. So in total so far the stake is up about 16 or 17 buy ins. Not great, but given the layoff and rough start, ill take it.
I will probably start 12 tabling again as i think my leaks are plugged up for now. Though my hopes for jumping out of the gate at platinum star status were derailed, i should make gold star no problem and then aim for platinum next month and on. I really doubt supernova is achievable for 2011 tbh, but if i am close this time next year i might just go for it.
So to look really far ahead my goals for next year are:
1) not to have a losing month
2) 1500 profit/month on average not including bonuses
3) make supernova
4)make a strong run at the sharkscope leaderboard for any game 4-6 tables $5 - $15 board
5)do all this while working full time with my wife and as of may 2011 baby
All of these are doable if i take this seriously. And i do take this seriously. For years now i have made good/great money at mtts. Made deep runs in wsop events, the sunday millions, beat bodog mtts, beat ftp mtts, beat stars mtts, and i have always gone back to trying to convince myself i could do the same at cash. I had spurts where i murdered cash but the swings of cash bother me more than the swings of mtts for some reason. So now im accepting it. A bit late perhaps as i now have to be staked and split my profits. But better late than never and hopefully this way i can make my friends and myself some good money.
GL to us all
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Steak YUM
So got in about ohhhhhhhhhhh 120 games or so this weekend. And given the fact that i moved into our apartment, got all that shit straightened out, and cut back to 9 tables until i feel comfortable im pretty happy with the volume. With the results im really meh.
I lost about 15 dollars. So insignificant, and had a lot of variance. Some of it rusty spots where i messed up, some of it run bad, and some of it standard swings. It was good to get back into the swing of things. Wife was really good about everything. I feel like i had a nice balanced weekend and if it wasnt for the rust would have made a minimal amount of profit, without having that 45man sng rush where i top 3 like 4/12 in a set type of run.
In 70 games ill release $100 bonus and i think ill hit the 70k, with a shot at the 80k $100 releases. I also plan on buying the plat star 650 bonus if i qualify every 50k fpps, and i should qualify....if not i guess the next highest available.
I played one mtt and meh, it didnt feel like the right thing to do until i have profit booked and feel great about my play.
So yeah uneventful weekend, and now off to the bill paying job for the week. I will still try to get about 25 games/work night but we will see if i do more or less.
ok peace out A town down
Saturday, November 6, 2010
It's moving day!!!!
So today is the day, finally moving out of the rural wack ass place we are at, and in to a real town, with real people, where there is a grocery store less than 20miles away.....and the best part REAL INTERNET SPEED!!!!
That is right, we are moving (lindy and i ldo) are moving to our apartment today and are very excited. I dont have much to move so my dad is helping move the few things i need help with but i imagine if i hired movers theyd look something like this
That is right, we are moving (lindy and i ldo) are moving to our apartment today and are very excited. I dont have much to move so my dad is helping move the few things i need help with but i imagine if i hired movers theyd look something like this
KMF ainec imo
So yeah, in less than 8 hours i will be moved in and have my internet up. I might even walk over to the liquor store and get a 6 pack to celebrate. Pregnant wife = i havent had a drink since august. I got all the monies received to start my stake and will most likely put in a set tonight. If not then tomorrow for sure.
I dont know if i blogged this yet so im going to and if you already read it weeeeeee welcome to my blog. It is funny that i am so nervous to start playing again. I have a million fears flying thru my head about it. Are the 45mans still beatable? Am i still good enough? Are there things i have forgotten and may take me awhile to get back? etc
So i guess we will see. And i will def keep you posted
Saturday, October 30, 2010
Like sweet apple pie
Remember the good old days when shannon elizabeth showed her tits, poker was more legal in the US, and i played on my own dime? Ahhhhhhhhhhh the good old days. As ive been saying, since quitting poker my personal life has gotten a lot better, my financial life a lot worse, and im starting to get that itch back and cant wait to play for fun again, focusing on mtts.
Well, shannon elizabeth now pretends to be a poker player, poker is only semi legal in the US, and i will be playing on staked money. That is right, i gave in to the itch, asked the guys who had mentioned interest in staking me if they were still interested, set up the basic guidelines, and starting on monday we are off and running.
I will be focusing almost exclusively on 45man sngs 11+1's. I think this is best until i build up some profit for me/my backers, and get my groove back. Im looking to play between 15 and 20hours a week, and 12-15 games/hour.
Its a new dawn, its a new day, and im a bit excited. It is getting me back into playing with minimal risk to me or my backers. I am not depending on the income as my bills are paid via my job, and i have always thrived in the poker world when my back was against the wall. (aka i have always been good at building/rebuilding a br, and a bit of a spaz when things had been going well)
Dream scenario would be me making myself and my backers a fair amount of money throughout 2011 in the 45man sngs and topping the sharkscope leaderboard for that category in 2011. Nightmare would be going bust in a month. Per the usual, i will probably fall somewhere in the middle.
Gl 2 u, me, and my backers in the upcoming months
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
jobbity job job job
If only communicating with deaf people was always this easy....well, if it was 1) id spend a lot more time in the deaf community, and 2) i wouldnt have a job....meh, win some lose some.
So i started work yesterday. Well i started training for a new job. First time ive done this in quite awhile and its about like everything else. In my head prior to starting i think it is going to be the greatest thing ever. Immediately after starting i remember how much working is not fun. And i also immediately think i am the best at it. In my previous warehouse job this happened and it resulted in burnout. This time however, i realize that this is what is best for and that it will provide a more stable and less stressful home life for me, and my new family. So off to work i go like im a lil munchkin in a funny hat with a sleeping princess who's slipper needs to come off at the house......
The job is kinda cool and for now it is challenging. It seems like ill be able to multi task while at work once im good at it. Basically what ill be doing after training is waiting for deaf people to make phone calls on a captioning phone. The deaf person talks into the phone which goes to a regular hearing person, and i listen to the regular person as they talk back with the deaf person. I then instantly repeat what i hear the person saying (i cannot hear what the deaf person says) verbatim and it goes into caption on the deaf person's phone. This sounds a bit easier than it is because the program that translates me into caption is very sensitive and it takes really good annunciation and some typing, and just learning a few other tricks. That plus learning to speak instantly as somebody else continues to speak. Its a bit challenging but once i have it down, i think it will be relatively easy, and there is downtime between phone calls in which we can read books or whatever, so i will have time to do my homework, which will be nice.
Poker is still not existent in my life. But the plan remains the same, except im seriously considering seeing if there is interest in staking me at first so that i dont have to put near as much, if any of my own money down. Im pretty sure this wont be a problem, and if it is, no big deal, ill just save up my deposit.
So that is that, and ill be posting another non poker content poker blog here shortly
Gl at the tables
So i started work yesterday. Well i started training for a new job. First time ive done this in quite awhile and its about like everything else. In my head prior to starting i think it is going to be the greatest thing ever. Immediately after starting i remember how much working is not fun. And i also immediately think i am the best at it. In my previous warehouse job this happened and it resulted in burnout. This time however, i realize that this is what is best for and that it will provide a more stable and less stressful home life for me, and my new family. So off to work i go like im a lil munchkin in a funny hat with a sleeping princess who's slipper needs to come off at the house......
The job is kinda cool and for now it is challenging. It seems like ill be able to multi task while at work once im good at it. Basically what ill be doing after training is waiting for deaf people to make phone calls on a captioning phone. The deaf person talks into the phone which goes to a regular hearing person, and i listen to the regular person as they talk back with the deaf person. I then instantly repeat what i hear the person saying (i cannot hear what the deaf person says) verbatim and it goes into caption on the deaf person's phone. This sounds a bit easier than it is because the program that translates me into caption is very sensitive and it takes really good annunciation and some typing, and just learning a few other tricks. That plus learning to speak instantly as somebody else continues to speak. Its a bit challenging but once i have it down, i think it will be relatively easy, and there is downtime between phone calls in which we can read books or whatever, so i will have time to do my homework, which will be nice.
Poker is still not existent in my life. But the plan remains the same, except im seriously considering seeing if there is interest in staking me at first so that i dont have to put near as much, if any of my own money down. Im pretty sure this wont be a problem, and if it is, no big deal, ill just save up my deposit.
So that is that, and ill be posting another non poker content poker blog here shortly
Gl at the tables
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Marriage, work,
Thats about the order of things in my life right now. Which is progress cuz the last few months poker hasnt been on the radar. I thought i was doing the right thing when i quit playing so that i wouldnt put my wife thru the emotional swings i went thru while i dealt with the financial variance of playing poker for income. But it has put a big emphasis on income, as in ever since i havent had any. Well after 4months of no income, were a bit tight with money, but its ok cuz i start my job in 6 days and we can make it the next few weeks if we just live a bit frugally. So marriage is good, work is good, school is the focus of this blog.
I talked my las vegas teachers into letting me do independent studies to finish up my AA. Its going fine and will be literally no problem to get thru the semester and get my AA in secondary education. The problem is, im watching my dad who was a tenured science teacher in arizona, struggle to find work full time out here, and its making me think maybe a high school history teacher isnt the best choice at this time. My entire time in college i have swayed back and forth on what i want my major to be, and that might work out for me here. I have just over 73 credits and obv some of them dont work with my secondary education degree, but will work with my new degree. After a bit of research i think im going to be putting the Teaching degree on the back burner while i pursue a degree in Finance. Finance degrees have a high straight out of college hire rate, as well as a great introductory starting pay, and a high ceiling as a career. Im decent at math and enjoy learning about money and financials in general, so yeah i think this is what ill be going for.
So the next dilemma i have is where will i be attending and getting my BA from. I am living right near the university of wisconsin so that is an option. I think my only other realistic option is University of Phoenix. Im leaning U of P if i can attend there and still get my housing allowance via the GI bill, if not then U of P isnt even an option tbh. But if i can then i will probably attend u of p so that i can finish my degree faster and get to work. Also its a smaller class/school size so i think that will cater to my needs of being a full time worker while attending college more than U of W would be able to. I also think id have to wait until a minimum of August to get into U of W where as i could start U of P in Jan most likely. That would get me my housing allowance and mean that i wouldnt have to but could work a 2nd job or play poker and do school and full time work. BUSY but as ill soon reveal worth it.
So thats where im at, im waiting for our living situation to settle down, my job to start, our budget to get in line and then deposit a bit on stars and start my plan. I got to play a bit of poker this weekend (i had a bit on stars to withdraw and since some of it was transfers i had to play some hands in order to withdraw) I did good, felt focused and won a bit more, and it really got the fire burning in me. Im really looking forward to the challenge of starting over again in poker, and will be interesting to see how i do.
how bout a lil MFK for old times (F 2 obv)
Thursday, October 14, 2010
The losing ur edge
Poker is a game that requires no certificate, no degree or something that is hard earned and separates the avg joe from a professional. Literally the best player i know personally, im talking crushing every game he plays at nosebleed stakes, has no degree and comes off as not too intelligent. When wed hang out id try to pick his brain and more often than not it was "i dunno bro, i just feel like this" No big math reasoning, no ranges bla bla bla, just "i feel"
Then you get these guys who talk on and on about how smart they are and come off as well educated and just light years ahead of everybody and thats why they win. I saw the same thing in the warehouse i worked in. People who are intelligent but work a job that requires no formal training try to make their job seem as if its hard and requires more than it really does.
I got the best of both worlds, in my live and online communities. I applied the knowledge and observations i had made as best i could, and after 2.5 years of not making it big and making just enough, combined with getting married and not wanting to be stressed out, i lost my edge. I dont have the drive anymore to play thru the swings, the constantly questioning my ability despite a large sample size that says i can beat these games. To me its not worth it.
And the more i look into it, the more i realize that the real winners in poker are these instructors. The ones who luckboxed their way into a good gig that makes them more money than their actual playing does. Sometimes these guys are marginal winners at best, who just market themselves amazingly and live off that and bonuses.....That was a slight dig at u mr barone, but i cant lie u are one of the few who crushes the games u play as well. =)
During this break i have been putting things in perspective and perhaps my posting with venom has slowed a bit too. Im happier now. I have a great growing marriage. It feels good to get back in the job market again, to feel that im adding something to society. But fear not, when some idiot posts something retarded (heres looking at u garrywhite) i can still turn back the clock and light some ass up.
Peace out A town down
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Aye yaaaa!!! Why so long?
In b4 "thats what she said" joke....
Sorry to my loyal readers for taking, what like two months off of blogging? More extended breaks to come unfortunately. I chose a shot at marriage vs continuing to chase a dream and now ive withdrawn all my poker money and spent it. I currently moved to wisconsin in pursuit of a real job with my wife and its looking promising. That life is going great at the expense of my poker life. I dont regret it though, not even a little bit
I am however getting that urge to play again. Im going to resist the urge. Ive had a few staking offers, and i could scrounge up enough to jump into the games i want to play when i do come back, but for now id rather focus on my new life as a working man/part time player.
Because i really love this blog and i miss writing it like i am a somebody, and my friend's strongman blog has taken off and pathetically it made me wish i was playing so i could try to get picked up like he did, ill try to pointlessly update this blog with my plan/how my life is going until im up and running again and start my new journey.
Ive decided that cash games are too tough and when i do come back because i enjoy them more and ill be playing for enjoyment, i will come back playing 45man sngs. I will do one of two things, first i will utilize my wife's acct to "teach her" and clear a 600 bonus from ftp. I will withdraw and then move over to stars with between 1200 and 1800, depending on how the bonus clearing/my irl finances look. With that br i will play pretty exclusively the 11+1 45 man sngs. I dont want to play the 180s on a 100bi role because the variance is so sick. So i plan to grind up the 45man sngs until i have 150-200 buy ins for the 180's and 45mans. I will then play those and a few of the turbo mtts at the same time until for the foreseeable future, attempting to make bonuses maybe even supernova as a parttime player. Im sure once im in the 3k range i will start having mtt days once in awhile, but maybe i will try to regulate that to sundays.
That is a rough outline of where im at, and where id like to be. Some big things have come into my life and poker is just on the back burner, but it is slowly creeping back into being a passion and if that comes true than this extended break will have paid dividends already.
Peace out, A town down
Mr. Sht
Sorry to my loyal readers for taking, what like two months off of blogging? More extended breaks to come unfortunately. I chose a shot at marriage vs continuing to chase a dream and now ive withdrawn all my poker money and spent it. I currently moved to wisconsin in pursuit of a real job with my wife and its looking promising. That life is going great at the expense of my poker life. I dont regret it though, not even a little bit
I am however getting that urge to play again. Im going to resist the urge. Ive had a few staking offers, and i could scrounge up enough to jump into the games i want to play when i do come back, but for now id rather focus on my new life as a working man/part time player.
Because i really love this blog and i miss writing it like i am a somebody, and my friend's strongman blog has taken off and pathetically it made me wish i was playing so i could try to get picked up like he did, ill try to pointlessly update this blog with my plan/how my life is going until im up and running again and start my new journey.
Ive decided that cash games are too tough and when i do come back because i enjoy them more and ill be playing for enjoyment, i will come back playing 45man sngs. I will do one of two things, first i will utilize my wife's acct to "teach her" and clear a 600 bonus from ftp. I will withdraw and then move over to stars with between 1200 and 1800, depending on how the bonus clearing/my irl finances look. With that br i will play pretty exclusively the 11+1 45 man sngs. I dont want to play the 180s on a 100bi role because the variance is so sick. So i plan to grind up the 45man sngs until i have 150-200 buy ins for the 180's and 45mans. I will then play those and a few of the turbo mtts at the same time until for the foreseeable future, attempting to make bonuses maybe even supernova as a parttime player. Im sure once im in the 3k range i will start having mtt days once in awhile, but maybe i will try to regulate that to sundays.
That is a rough outline of where im at, and where id like to be. Some big things have come into my life and poker is just on the back burner, but it is slowly creeping back into being a passion and if that comes true than this extended break will have paid dividends already.
Peace out, A town down
Mr. Sht
Friday, August 6, 2010
Pokerwise i got almost nothing to report. Im kinda just making this post to not let this blog die. Ive cashed out almost all i have to get the wife and i thru until i get a job. I left enough on to play/get us thru an extra month if the job search goes really shitty. If i get a job early, eventually when im ready to play more i may redposit some or i may just put some in savings acct and call that my poker acct, which will be used as a backup/live roll.
One thing is, i have 5 or 6 sunday million tickets, and 8 or so 24+2 tickets on ftp. So maybe even if i do withdraw i can make something happen there. I mean its a long shot but i do like mtt's more than cash and once i have a job, wont mind redepositing.
Ummmmmm hold on and let me find an asian girl pic to stay true to my loyal readers who have read thru this horrible entry.....
One thing is, i have 5 or 6 sunday million tickets, and 8 or so 24+2 tickets on ftp. So maybe even if i do withdraw i can make something happen there. I mean its a long shot but i do like mtt's more than cash and once i have a job, wont mind redepositing.
Ummmmmm hold on and let me find an asian girl pic to stay true to my loyal readers who have read thru this horrible entry.....
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Thank god for bonuses
My new addiction (scrabble) combined with my other addiction (poker) Thank god for bonuses! This month is really a huge month for me. Actually the next 40 days or so is huge for me. I wont need to cashout for some time, but i do need to rebuild my br. Ive lit money on fire for about 3 months now, my roll is on life support, and i need steady income. Unfortunately, i appear to have forgotten how to win. Im up about 600 this week. Which would be great, if it wasnt because ive taken about 900 in bonuses/rakeback. I mean f me, there is no way ive become this bad. Im slowing down my play, and really examining some spots. Other than that i dont know what to do. My hem crashed and im sick of it anyways. Yippy, i can sit here and post a graph of how bad im running. Red lines dont pay the bills homie. Its time for no more excuses, i need to outvolume the variance, fix my leaks, or cash the fuck out and find a job.
/that rant. Im packing up at my place and moving this week. Then im flying to sac to help the wife pack/move until her internship is up on Aug 20th. That means i have from now till then to turn this thing around. Wish me some luck, cuz i cant just be a bonus whore. I loved my winrate and watching it fall off is really getting to me. It seems that for now ive found a hard way to make an easy living, and i need to fix whatever is going wrong.
Taking today off to meet up abarone, then tomorrow and pretty much the rest of this week ill be getting shit straight here in vegas b4 i fly out.
Wish me luck in everything
Mr. Shit
Friday, July 9, 2010
Ready, set, GO!
Ok July, im ready. Jan - april were good/great months with poker. May was a hiccup. A little bad play, a lil bad luck, but i still managed to salvage the month and make it a winner. June was weird....i think i made a good amount of money when all was said and done but my HEM crashed, money seems to disappear in Vegas, and i had 2 weeks of vegas, as well as a couple trips to see the wife in sacramento. After all was said and done, im starting to feel the financial pinch. So ok i figure, buckle down, put in volume in July, and get back on track.
Well F me, july started off not too good. Im now about back to even and ready to take off. I think im playing much better. I feel a lil zoned in and feel like im about to string together a nice winning streak. My rakeback site has changed from cashout when u want to, to weekly insta deposits into my poker acct. I kinda dont like this. I like saving up and large amounts but whatever really.
Not much to report poker wise as its been a busy few weeks, but i need a hot run here. BR is at a level i dont like it being at and with my new responsibilities, if i go on a semi bad downswing i will most likely cashout the rest and take a hiatus until im more stable financially.
Mr. Shit
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
If this isnt sexy, i dont know what is
Taco bell....i just cant quit u
I remember the days when i used to have self control. I used to be able to dictate my diet and my body loved me for this. Now i just murder taco bell whenever my little heart desires. And lately....its been desiring a lot of this fine mexican cuisine. I get the #8 which is 3 of these bad boys, only i add nacho cheese to them, which makes them like 1000x more delicious and shortens my life expectancy by at least 4 months/taco.
Marriage life is fun so far, i really need to start a blog on it for all my loyal readers. This weekend was the weekend horror movies of in laws are made of. After the quick, yet semi romantic vegas ceremony we decided to tell the parents in person the following weekend. So keeping it sort of hush i waited. Then on friday, woopsy daisy my facebook page is public and LOL the in laws found out. After that it is a bit hazy but im pretty sure every bad imaginable situation was x 100. It really was an entertaining and stressful weekend.
Things are simmering down on that front now, but through all the mayhem we decided it best if she moves to vegas for 6 months while i finish my last semester of my first stretch of school. We have an agreement on the dollar amount i must win the next few months in order for me to continue playing without looking too hard for a job. I still may regardless just to avoid the stresses of poker life, but we shall see. It is pretty f''ing convenient to live this lifestyle while going to school fulltime. Even so i havent played much yet in july and the little i did play makes me think its time for a job hunt.
Today was a huge day. I registered for school and dealt with the VA which is a huge pain in the ass, played a little, and got a place to live locked away for the wifey and myself. Now i have to pack, and work, and....well thats about it, but still its more stuff than i have done at any point during the last......2 years =)
So expect more updates and maybe a new blog.
Until then, good luck at the tables
Mr. Shit
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Summary of June
June make Mr. Shit happy!!!
So June was an interesting month. Poker was hit and miss. Started out losing much like i did in may, then i had the vegas trip. A runner up in a mtt that made me profit for the week, but it was enough profit to pay for my wedding. Oh yeah, did i mention that i proposed to a girl via facebook, that i had never met. Flew out to meet my fiance, and got married in under 3 weeks? Now the last few days ive been readjusting to online and booking some wins.
I think my mind is in a good spot and im not pressing the volume, and that is a big reason for the strong end to this month. Sadly i am not back up to where i was on june first, but i feel like july will be solid. Im going to sacramento for the fourth of july weekend. Then ill be back down in vegas packing up, playing some good volume, and getting my ass back in the gym. I should put the gym ahead of putting in volume on that list of priorities, but im too lazy to right now. So yeah hopefully it will be more of the same. Book a small winner, do stuff, book some more win, do stuff. No stressing, no pressing, just play when im having fun and let the results fall how they may.
As soon as i touch down in sac (actually ive already started asking the few people i know there) i will be looking for a real job. The financial and emotional swings of this game are sometimes too much for me to deal with, let alone the wife, especially with the added strain of us.....not really knowing each other. Once again poker will be "fun", or at least thats what im hoping. A few former fulltime players ive talked to say i will never look at the game the same. In a way thats a ldo, but i do hope that some of the passion and enthusiasm i had for the game come back after time.
Pokerwise, june was meh. A little heartbreak in the mtt, a lil success in cash, and a lot of fun with my boys in vegas week. Lifewise i couldnt have dreamed of a better month.
Its hard to top my pic but this one may come close
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
The clubs of death!
Vegas poker week is finally over. It was a good time. Met up a lot of friends, and did some heavy drinking. To be honest i was a bit tamer than i thought id be, due to the whole marriage coming up, plus i rested my body a day due to a nice mtt run.
The V 330 deepstack, started with 750 and at the beginning of it, my boy and i swapped 10%. Wouldnt u know heading into day two with 54 left, both of us were still in. 54th still didnt pay much, but i had a good stack and my buddy is a great mtt player and knows how to play a shortstack so i was pretty confident one of us would make it deep. I had some swings, avoided all ins like the plague, and just picked spots to keep my chips moving up.
With about 30 left my buddy busted out for about 1300. With me still in that basically meant id take 130 off the 10% id pay him after i took this down.
Some mtt's u just know ur just hanging on waiting for ur bustout hand. But some u just know ur going to win. This one felt like a winner. I was picking my spots, winning the key pots, and losing the marginal ones rather than the big ones. I had just busted somebody in 13th to take us to 12. Two, 6 handed tables. An orbit or so in i get Ac 8s and open to 2.5x utg on about a 25x stack. The bb, a swede who played like..... a swede calls. Flop is 9c 8c 3c and the swede leads into me for 2.75x. A lot of these types of players do this with pairs or air, and a repop normally gets u the pot. In this case i have middle pair and the NFD and decide i just want to ship it and maximize FE vs top pair hands, and if i get called im getting it in with good odds. I ship and he snaps with Qc 7c, gg me.
So i came up short. The story of my life when running deep in big mtt's. I won some when playing nl cash games, and dumped that plus some of this tourney profit into bs 67s games. Next trip i will stay away from the 67s blood baths and play some nlhe with tourist and shit local players instead, as well as my normal mtt or two, chasing the big score.
My first day back on ftp, i played for an hour or so up 3 buy ins, wife called and make that half a buy in up. Then today up 3 buy ins with not much motivation to play and some errands to run and i called it a day.
Wife is coming to town on friday, and ill be with her all weekend. Then im going up there for the 4th and hopefully moving by end of july to sac. So its going to be a busy month or two and getting settled in/looking for secure work will surely take away from poker. Volume/blog posts will drop off, but i really enjoy writing this and will keep at it as much as i can.
Heres to not always being a damn bridesmaid in big mtt's
Mr. Shit
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I finally figured out the reason for my current downswing.....i met my wife may 21st, we got engaged the 5th of june and ive been losing ever since. Obviously its her fault for being unlucky!!! To changer her aura of luck i have made her start a morning ritual of walking thru the house backwards at all times, light a candle and say "eric is god and i will do whatever he says" b4 every meal, and lastly 20 min of jumping on a trampoline in a bikini everyday. Im pretty sure this should correct everything.
So i took 5 days off playing cuz i was really losing my mind and needed to be refreshed. Today i jumped into a set and won 4buy ins right away, then the lovely unlucky wife called and i dropped all of it plus a buy in, then i kidney punched her till she passed out and went back to work. Wouldnt u know it, that little magic trick made me a 1.5buy in winner. And 2.5 buy ins for a good domestic violence beating is well worth it imo.
Vegas week officially starts tomorrow. I cheated and played a V deepstack early, went deep, until it was time to race, hopefully one of the other 3 i ship, and then weeeeeeeeeeee. The wife comes out to make it official after this vegas week, so there is another weekend of drunken debauchery. And then i should get back on the grind.
Limited updates im sure over the next two weeks, please try to go on with ur daily lives, and just take peace in the fact that i should come back with some pretty awsome stories
Mr Shit
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Four weddings and a funeral....isnt that like five of the same thing?
The "good news" for June....theres gonna be a Mrs ahhhhhsht (poor girl doesnt realize the craziness that is to follow. Maybe ill start a blog on that awsome journey too)
The bad news....
This bs is still going on. Granite, im not "supposed" to be up much. But the bad run is not just about getting it in good and coming out covered in shit. Its also about running into....unfortunate situations. Or like way smart poker players say "the top of peoples ranges" I have had numerous big pp's in lp run into bigger ones in the blinds and its starting to make me want to tell children there is no santa clause.
This will turn around, rakeback will soften about half of this bs, and pretty soon im just going to refuse to lose. Ill go on a 20hr bender of 9 tabling if i have to, but im not losing all of this damn month!
Vegas vacation is almost here, and god its lining up to be insane. One dude coming is getting married, im snap marrying, one of my best friends from the army is coming down, and hes ready to go nuts. And then its vegas and 20 guys who have degenerate patterns and free alcohol and lots of strippers.
So yeah, big couple months. Oh almost forgot.....after 3 years, i may stop being a gentleman of leisure and look for more stable work. This is good and bad. Bad that ill make at the most 1/2 of what i avg playing. Good that ill have stable income and be able to focus on playing for fun again. But as always with me, my mind changes ever 32.46 seconds, so we will see
Gl at the tables, lord knows i could use some
Mr. Shit
sorry about steaming in here
The bad news....
This bs is still going on. Granite, im not "supposed" to be up much. But the bad run is not just about getting it in good and coming out covered in shit. Its also about running into....unfortunate situations. Or like way smart poker players say "the top of peoples ranges" I have had numerous big pp's in lp run into bigger ones in the blinds and its starting to make me want to tell children there is no santa clause.
This will turn around, rakeback will soften about half of this bs, and pretty soon im just going to refuse to lose. Ill go on a 20hr bender of 9 tabling if i have to, but im not losing all of this damn month!
Vegas vacation is almost here, and god its lining up to be insane. One dude coming is getting married, im snap marrying, one of my best friends from the army is coming down, and hes ready to go nuts. And then its vegas and 20 guys who have degenerate patterns and free alcohol and lots of strippers.
So yeah, big couple months. Oh almost forgot.....after 3 years, i may stop being a gentleman of leisure and look for more stable work. This is good and bad. Bad that ill make at the most 1/2 of what i avg playing. Good that ill have stable income and be able to focus on playing for fun again. But as always with me, my mind changes ever 32.46 seconds, so we will see
Gl at the tables, lord knows i could use some
Mr. Shit
sorry about steaming in here
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Treading water...
Im pretty sure my june is equal to what this guy is going thru right now....Nah hes got it easy. I mean obviously hes not going to drown, while this bs im going thru may go on for fucking ever!
I have officially lost all motivation to play. Mtts, cash, sngs, whatever i just have no want in me to play. Im really premature bitching here. Im only 20k hands into june, but after the bad start it has literally been break even days the last few days and its starting to drive me nuts. When i used to play live i would say "hey, i dont mind losing, and i love winning, but i lose my mind when i go home even. At least when i lose i feel like i accomplished something" Well thats whats taking place here. I probably should of taken today off to clear my head, but mr addictive personality took over and i "took it easy" while i 6 tabled and played the double deuce on ftp and the millions on stars. Deep enough run in the double deuce to piss me off, and lol cooler in the millions.
I think tomorrow will be a light day if i play at all. I have to handle some bs at the dmv which should be lovely, and then i have some.....personal business to do. Not to mention the gym, so i dont lose my bet to barone. June 15th cannot get here soon enough. Actually my buddy is coming into town like the 11th or 12th so i may just say f it and start my drunken rampage a few days early.
As always ill keep u posted on this lovely dovely journey.
Gl at the tables
Mr. Shit
Friday, June 4, 2010
no whammy no whammy BIG MONEY!!!!!
Not this time my friends. Despite still not running above expectation, i managed to grind my way back up to even on the month of june around 7pm west coast time. Throw 4 fingers up/make sure that twos crossed!
I took a break, ate some dinner, and decided to put in another session to see if i could get into the positive for the month. Well a couple coolers, and a couple hands i just butchered and wouldnt u know it....back to down 4buy ins on the month. This is really nothing to sweat, but i just hate how one shit session can ruin a days work.
My volume has really dropped off, but im still playing more than i usually do and im still up a pretty decent amount the last 2.5 weeks when all is said and done. So i just need to stay focused and put in work. Vegas is about a week and a half away....that should be an awsome time. Im pretty sure im going to ship a deepstack for 40-60k so that will come in handy. =)
Short but sweet blog, not much complaining as i actually take the blame for most of my losses today, and were gonna end it right with a slutty asian
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Its getting hot in june baby!!!!
Not exactly the start i was looking for in june......
The red line doesnt even tell the story of coolers, just more bad beats. While it is refreshing that im most likely playing well, its a bit frustrating since i just cashed out about half of my online money this last month due to the looming uncertainty of the outlawing of online poker. I was/am taking it as a challenge to "rebuild" and this is def not the start i was looking for.
This is another reason why HEM is so valuable. It is reassuring that if i keep getting my money how i have, i will right this ship. Tbh i should of stuck to my "not ur day theory" but i didnt feel tilted until the last little part of that graph. The quitting hand was flopped set vs flopped flush and the dude just called me down as i put in vbet after vbet.
All said and done 6buy ins below equity isnt even close to as bad as i hear these things getting. This has put a speed bump in my goal of 120k hands by 15june10, but i should really buckle down and put in some volume here. I plan on playing thru the run bad and obviously playing even more during the run good. I think i have come a long way in my tilt control and can drive on.
I just kind of wanted to vent, this entry is really pretty horrible so ima cut it off here.
Gl at the tables to u, and better luck to me hopefully
Mr. Shit
The red line doesnt even tell the story of coolers, just more bad beats. While it is refreshing that im most likely playing well, its a bit frustrating since i just cashed out about half of my online money this last month due to the looming uncertainty of the outlawing of online poker. I was/am taking it as a challenge to "rebuild" and this is def not the start i was looking for.
This is another reason why HEM is so valuable. It is reassuring that if i keep getting my money how i have, i will right this ship. Tbh i should of stuck to my "not ur day theory" but i didnt feel tilted until the last little part of that graph. The quitting hand was flopped set vs flopped flush and the dude just called me down as i put in vbet after vbet.
All said and done 6buy ins below equity isnt even close to as bad as i hear these things getting. This has put a speed bump in my goal of 120k hands by 15june10, but i should really buckle down and put in some volume here. I plan on playing thru the run bad and obviously playing even more during the run good. I think i have come a long way in my tilt control and can drive on.
I just kind of wanted to vent, this entry is really pretty horrible so ima cut it off here.
Gl at the tables to u, and better luck to me hopefully
Mr. Shit
Monday, May 31, 2010
Stay classy San Diego
So i was absolutely crushing my pace to hit 120k hands in a 30 day period. Then my buddy in L.A. called and he had a week off work, and i hadnt seen him for awhile so i decided id go down there, chill with him for a week, but still put in "work" of my own. I did ok at keeping up the volume pace while in LA.
Annnnnnnndddddddd thennnnnnnnn my San Diego buddy said i should come down there for the fri/sat part of the week. That sounds cool, and i proly would have, but to seal it, our mutual friends in Sacramento drove down to SD. The rest of the weekend is a bit of a blur, with more alcohol than poker mixed in.
Good news, GREAT mentally refreshing week.
Bad new, im 5k hands behind my target.
I think i can make that up within a week. In fact considering i feel like ive been slacking, i wonder if i can crush the 120k hand mark. I figure the more i play the next two weeks, two things will happen. 1) i will make more money 2) i will go bat shit crazy during my vegas week.
So its like a win win.
Despite my "downswing" on stars ( i seriously wonder if im just not good enough to beat those games) i still bounced back to make a good amount when u consider that i bought 5 or 6 sunday millions tickets (215 each obv) and should have enough fpps to buy my way into the 500 or whatever seat giveaway to the ME on stars. Just on ftp i made more in 2 weeks than i used to make working fulltime so that is refreshing/motivating.
As ive mentioned these next 6 months should really tell me a lot about what i can do and will shape my path of what i will do, so succeed or fail im really looking forward to finding out.
Gl at the tables
Mr. Shit
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Yeah Baby!!!
Got my mojo back. May started off pretty horrible. I couldnt win a hand on pokerstars, i dropped the 2nd most amt of buy ins ive ever dropped, sure something else. Then i switched to ftp and played bad, but ran good and started winning. I continued playing bad, didnt run good, and almost dropped back all of my run good. But at last, the last 6 days or so, i have tightened up (proly to much, but just till i get zoned in again) and am finishing the month at my high in profit.
Id predict great things for june, but there is a mid month break schedule of total and complete self destruction. So who knows how my mind, body, and soul will recover, and how long it will take to get back in the super duper poker mojo zone after that. How bout we meet halfway and say the first two weeks of june should be good.
To finish strong, while i was looking for that austin powers pic, i found this one
Gl at the tables
Mr. Shit (F U Barone for not coming up with a new name for my sig)
Id predict great things for june, but there is a mid month break schedule of total and complete self destruction. So who knows how my mind, body, and soul will recover, and how long it will take to get back in the super duper poker mojo zone after that. How bout we meet halfway and say the first two weeks of june should be good.
To finish strong, while i was looking for that austin powers pic, i found this one
Gl at the tables
Mr. Shit (F U Barone for not coming up with a new name for my sig)
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Quick update
Since this update will be quick and insignificant in every way possible i figure id post one of my fave asian girls. This one took down her slutty pics though, but yeah....theres that
So i didnt put in as much volume this weekend as i should of. I had a case of the crazies and played way more loose and aggressive than normal and swung up and down for a few thousand hands. I ended up only losing 2.5buy ins on saturday and decided enough of this since it could get really ugly the way i was playing, and i went out and drank excessively.....which is obv the solution to all problems in life.
Overall the weekend was meh, the 2.5 on saturday and 1.5 today over about 4k hands isnt a big deal and something i can make up with some good play/run good. Im still on pace volume wise and have put in 30k hands my first week of the 120k hands by june 15th challenge. Considering i feel like ive been slacking, i wonder if i could do an even more sick amt of hands.....Matter fact i think my play has been on my B game level, my run good has been above average. Ive gotten it in some shitty spots and got lucky, but ive gotten unlucky too, so i mean whatever hopefully i cut the mistakes and the run good doesnt do a 180 even if it does decline a bit. Including rakeback if i could keep this pace of profit up (its below my expected BB/100) i would be content with the month of may and have a great vegas "vacation"
Thats it for now
Mr. *name under construction*
Friday, May 21, 2010
Ahhhhhhhh thats refreshing
I'm not gonna lie. After 100 freak thousand hands of breakeven/losing a bit on stars, i was starting to get those thoughts. I dont think im playing different, maybe the players are just better than me. Maybe ill never win long term again. What kind of jobs should i start looking for? Can i at least break even and be an fpp pro?
Then i went to ftp to grind for about 30 days, and holy shit im winning again (i am running a bit hot in some key spots, but to offset that, ive also made a couple horrendous calls that havent worked out)
Mr Shit
Then i went to ftp to grind for about 30 days, and holy shit im winning again (i am running a bit hot in some key spots, but to offset that, ive also made a couple horrendous calls that havent worked out)
20k hands, in 3.5 days = YIKES. But i am aiming for 120k by june 15th so i gotta really just grind my ass off for a month and hopefully make some good profit.
I talked to a friend of mine and we both agree that maybe the flow of the games on ftp is more suited to my style. So with that said, maybe i will stay on ftp for at least the foreseeable future.
In other news, I love the gym. I work out pretty frequently and enjoy it. Thank you 82nd airborne years though, about 3 or 4 times a year my back will go crazy on me and ill be pretty bed ridden for a few days. Well one of those times happened on tuesday, so ive decided to take off until monday and rest my old man back up. Pro, this will help me put in some sick volume. Con, time to get fat for a week. Meh nothing a lil winning cant cure.
Gl at the tables
Mr Shit
Monday, May 17, 2010
Change of scenery
Sometimes when im running bad, i like to change games. Now im a total nlhe monkey, so ill switch from cash, to 45man/180man sngs, to mtt's. Sometimes ill switch sites, change my scenery and hope for the best. Well after 100k hands of getting my ass beat (not really, thats the pessimistic poker player in me coming out, really its 100k hands of down a few buy ins but nothing crazy) I decided to switch up my view and go back to full tilt for at least a month. Id like to make about 2k in rakeback, and maybe another 1500 or so in profit for my upcoming vegas trip. I will be withdrawing around 4k for the trip and if i could make that by the end of month that would be great, instead of depleting my br and then grinding on a lighter than usual roll.
So today i played about 2k hands on stars and actually shipped about a buy in (2buy ins below ev obv) and then had a friend swap some tilt for stars. Btw let me repeat, my name is not ahhhhhsht on ftp, and tbh id rather not say what it is in case any confusion ever comes of it. So moving on i played another 2k hands on ftp in my evening session and shipped just under 4bi's(1 above ev) And OMFG did that feel good. It was like a sign from god came down and it said "look at that shithead, u can still win"
I feel like i played the same game i normally do, just i actually ran pretty well on ftp. I hit some cards when i needed to, and picked good spots instead of always going up against the nuts. Same game but just a nice little change of view may be just what i need
So today i played about 2k hands on stars and actually shipped about a buy in (2buy ins below ev obv) and then had a friend swap some tilt for stars. Btw let me repeat, my name is not ahhhhhsht on ftp, and tbh id rather not say what it is in case any confusion ever comes of it. So moving on i played another 2k hands on ftp in my evening session and shipped just under 4bi's(1 above ev) And OMFG did that feel good. It was like a sign from god came down and it said "look at that shithead, u can still win"
I feel like i played the same game i normally do, just i actually ran pretty well on ftp. I hit some cards when i needed to, and picked good spots instead of always going up against the nuts. Same game but just a nice little change of view may be just what i need
Same girl, but how much better is this view on the bottom pic?
So when things arent going ur way, make a small change on ur scenery and hopefully the results turn out as well for u (us) as they did for this chick
Mr. Shit
Saturday, May 15, 2010
To many hh's not enough hot asian girls imo
FMK ainec
So since my last blog entry its been more of the same. About 50k hands in May and im just getting coolered big time. I mean maybe i am, im sure im also not playing 100%. I feel like i played ok today but two hands stick out that cost me stacks and i feel that i played really poorly. Big mistakes like that will ruin a day and prolong a losing streak like this. Luckily i ran well in a couple key spots and got paid off a couple times and made a few buy ins. Hopefully this is the start of a good run, as this bad run has taken a lot of motivation out of me.
Outside of poker, i have been planning a move to cali for the last few months and sadly with this bad run, and just me thinking it over, i will not be going thru with it. With this shaky "profession" and doubling the cost of living, and not knowing many people out there, i just feel that the risk outweighs the benefits and i have decided to stay in las vegas until december. The reason i say december is i went to my school counselor to see what classes i needed to finish with me changing my major (for the last time!!!) and as it turns out on this new degree sheet, im done. So yeah im officially an Associates of the Arts degree holder.....sorta. U see i could of put in my graduation application but i am switching to a secondary education, history major, and i have the classes to fill out the degree sheet somehow without having taken US history.....weird right. So im going to take US history in the fall and thats it. I know the teacher im taking it with and hes like the best history teacher ever, so i know i will do well and enjoy the class, and that is why im staying in vegas.
I will use the next 6 months to grind my face off and hopefully will stack some cash. Then i will feel very secure with wherever i choose to move. I have two destinations in mind and honestly finances will be the determining factor. I am originally from az and have a good solid group of friends and a few "hook ups" out there. So if money is tight i will proly move there, get a job bouncing on the weekends, and go to school. If i ball outta control, i might try to convince a buddy of mine to give austin texas a try. Id say az is like a 90/10 fave in this. But as u can tell just from this blog, i change my mind about every 25 seconds.
As always gl at the tables and im sure my 100nl regs will be seeing more of me than usual....though the way ive been playing/running, maybe thats exactly what they want.....hopefully they are in for a rude awakening
Signing out
Mr. Shit
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
my first steam post
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $2.00 BB (7 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

MP1 ($91)
MP2 ($93.75)
CO ($293.65)
Button ($174.95)
SB ($483.50)
Hero (BB) ($403)
UTG ($207.35)
Preflop: Hero is BB with Q
, Q
5 folds, SB bets $5.50, Hero raises to $20, SB raises to $60, Hero raises to $403 (All-In), SB calls $343
Flop: ($806) 3
, A
, K
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Turn: ($806) 4
(2 players, 1 all-in)
River: ($806) 5
(2 players, 1 all-in)
Total pot: $806 | Rake: $3
So yeah, ive been playing/running bad. I recognized it and have adjusted and like the way ive been playing but with no results. So today i say "ok man, quit being a pussy and jump into some 200nl" Now generally when im 200bb deep when moving up i get up, but in this case the dude to my right had been super aggro and the dude two to his right was a huge fish, so i felt like id get a great spot......guess i was right? wrong? F poker!!!!!!!!111

MP1 ($91)
MP2 ($93.75)
CO ($293.65)
Button ($174.95)
SB ($483.50)
Hero (BB) ($403)
UTG ($207.35)
Preflop: Hero is BB with Q


5 folds, SB bets $5.50, Hero raises to $20, SB raises to $60, Hero raises to $403 (All-In), SB calls $343
Flop: ($806) 3



Turn: ($806) 4

River: ($806) 5

Total pot: $806 | Rake: $3
So yeah, ive been playing/running bad. I recognized it and have adjusted and like the way ive been playing but with no results. So today i say "ok man, quit being a pussy and jump into some 200nl" Now generally when im 200bb deep when moving up i get up, but in this case the dude to my right had been super aggro and the dude two to his right was a huge fish, so i felt like id get a great spot......guess i was right? wrong? F poker!!!!!!!!111
big draw, small pot
PokerStars No-Limit Hold'em, $1.00 BB (7 handed) - Poker-Stars Converter Tool from

SB ($75.50)
Hero (BB) ($100)
UTG ($222.10)
MP1 ($79.95)
MP2 ($100)
CO ($73)
Button ($100)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 8
, 6
1 fold, MP1 calls $1, 3 folds, SB calls $0.50, Hero checks
Flop: ($3) 9
, 4
, 10
(3 players)
SB bets $3, Hero calls $3, 1 fold
Turn: ($9) 3
(2 players)
SB bets $5, Hero calls $5
River: ($19) J
(2 players)
SB checks, Hero checks
Total pot: $19 | Rake: $0.90
This hand is a spot where i feel i used to make mistakes. One limper, sb completes, and i check my option. The flop comes and wow i have a gut shot straight flush draw. The pot is only 3bb and the sb leads that into me. Tbh i still would sometimes raise if the sb ck'd, i ck, mp bets, sb calls (or folds), then i raise a good amt of the time. At that point there is money in the pot i dont mind fighting over. In this spot however the sb range has two pairs in there and hands that wont fold more than the mp players does. In this instance i think its best to keep the pot small and reduce the variance of this combo draw.
If youre in a raised pot and flop 12+ outs, obv u have to go after that dead money and overlay, but in this spot the pot is just too small for me to fight over, but the draw is too big for me to fold. A lil weak poker yet again, but its just a spot i choose to not hammer home every time and sometimes just play like a pussy and call down.

SB ($75.50)
Hero (BB) ($100)
UTG ($222.10)
MP1 ($79.95)
MP2 ($100)
CO ($73)
Button ($100)
Preflop: Hero is BB with 8


1 fold, MP1 calls $1, 3 folds, SB calls $0.50, Hero checks
Flop: ($3) 9



SB bets $3, Hero calls $3, 1 fold
Turn: ($9) 3

SB bets $5, Hero calls $5
River: ($19) J

SB checks, Hero checks
Total pot: $19 | Rake: $0.90
This hand is a spot where i feel i used to make mistakes. One limper, sb completes, and i check my option. The flop comes and wow i have a gut shot straight flush draw. The pot is only 3bb and the sb leads that into me. Tbh i still would sometimes raise if the sb ck'd, i ck, mp bets, sb calls (or folds), then i raise a good amt of the time. At that point there is money in the pot i dont mind fighting over. In this spot however the sb range has two pairs in there and hands that wont fold more than the mp players does. In this instance i think its best to keep the pot small and reduce the variance of this combo draw.
If youre in a raised pot and flop 12+ outs, obv u have to go after that dead money and overlay, but in this spot the pot is just too small for me to fight over, but the draw is too big for me to fold. A lil weak poker yet again, but its just a spot i choose to not hammer home every time and sometimes just play like a pussy and call down.
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