Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Eric goes to the doctor

And catches a case of the lazies.....and the excuses
Damn nurses!!!

So i've had this cyst on my wrist for a few....years. I had neglected it and neglected until it started really hurting and interfering with life. I went to the doctor and he laughed at me and said, "Dude....seriously how long has that been there? We need to surgically remove that. Don't worry though, you'll be back to normal the next day."

So i scheduled the surgery and like i do most things that normal humans would consider important, i forgot all about it. I mean what are wives for right?

Well Monday night the wife tells me i can't eat or drink anything b/c i'm having surgery in the morning. I go in, get the surgery and thought, "Meh i'll write my new Tuesday theme (Top Pickups Tuesdays) when i get home." Except when i got home i was in way more pain than i thought i would be (Ima pussE).

So Tuesday was not happening but i did fully intend to write a WTF Wednesday. Except here is the thing, I didn't. Instead i was fully neglecting the blog, eating some red velvet cake, and getting ready to watch Breaking Bad (I'm so ridiculously late on this show my wife and i just started watching it) and my buddy pops up on Facebook and calls me out, "Neglecting the blog again...." (and this pic is in his honor)

The thing is i dropped the ball for Tuesday, you're currently reading a WTF'ing, but i have no fucking idea what to write about.
Loyal blog readers fear not, i will do what i always do when i run out of creativity, i will post pics of slutty looking chicks that may or may not be related to this blog post and hope that tomorrow is a better day

And I'm out!!!


  1. No topics? You mean you're not going to mention the infamously horrible call that has been shown at least 17,000,000 times on every sports network (including the ocho)? Or how Philip Rivers has coaxed many owners into his candy filled statistics van for two weeks, only to dump a load on all of their unsuspecting faces?

  2. You want me to remove the pics are write about the call and Phillip Rivers?
